It has been a long long time since my last update and judging from the previous post I've completely neglected this blog this year.
I have been to San Francisco and finished the darn marathon. Finished in 5h53min which means I just pass the official finishing time. Considering that I spent the last 6 weeks before the marathon sick with both a viral and bacterial infection one after the other didn't help. The cough was only completely gone a few days before I got on the plane.
Still seems a little unreal that I have completed something that I always assumed I was going to complete at a young age and then halfway through university thought impossible. I feel that I make no exaggeration to claim that this is possible one of my greatest personal triumphs. My body was never meant for long distances as I have always excelled in short distance, speed, agility and accuracy...but never endurance.
Now that I've finished I can still feel a certain "high" that has been with me since. I will continue to run and train. I will train smarter, and better. Next goal will be completing few more marathons and then attempt the Two Oceans in 2014 (2013 is in March and a little too soon).
But I suspect that one of the reasons that I haven't updated this blog in such a long time is because life seems lacklustre. I have done more, witness more and lived more in the past, yet none of them seem to excite me anymore. I thought I would be ecstatic over finishing a long time goal of finishing a 42.2km - but felt completely empty after finishing.
For the first time (it seems) I've met someone who holds strong feelings for me and I seem to return the sentiment. I feel the excitement - but it seems rather dull, like there the my "true" self is floating above watching another version of myself.
I know I should be happy, but at the same time this feels in general seems dull. Corporate politics and scandals just no longer excites me; it's now normal to uncover yet another lie, yet another conflict of interest. *YAWN*