Thursday, December 18, 2014

To Be Ruthless

Since taking up this job I have been incredibly sheltered by the politics and the inner battles within the company.

Once in a while though I feel the need and somewhat perverse desire to take part in the intrigue and exercise my power to actually destroy someone's career in a company. But despite having that power, opportunity and desire I have not exercised those opportunities because I was too soft. The first time round I backed down and my boss did what I couldn't do.

Fast forwarded 3 year and odd months I find myself sitting in a similar situation and complained about a certain co-worker who has basically stabbed me in the back and blamed many recent failures squarely on my head. I will admit to anyone that I indeed drop the ball; however to just blame everything on me truly exaggerated my abilities and influence within the company, and once again I felt an immense sense of betrayal from someone whom I have helped and supported all this time. I vented my frustrations to another coworker and I sworn that I will get my revenge when I get the opportunity. He surprised me by looking me in the eyes and asked "But can you actually do it this time round?".

I was actually shocked for a  second and realised that he was right; I have never walked the talk. Within seconds I steeled my resolve and promised myself that I will find the opportunities to return the favour and establish a simple principle "Tit-For-Tac".

Tonight, at 11:20pm I got that opportunity. No, I don't have the silver bullet...yet; but I can already foresee that possibility for my revenge.

I admit that this is personal, but what is also very clear I need to start thinking about actually stabbing someone in the back.

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